So, today I started texting this guy that I met on a dating site.
The first red flag should have been when he asked if I would be willing to meet him and his family (who live closer to me than he does), but I let that go as just talk.
The second red flag should have been that while his profile says "schoolteacher," he's really a teacher's aide in school to be a teacher. Ok, so it was a little exaggeration, at least he has ambition, right?
Where I realized that he was way too serious? Text message number 10:
"What's your views on sex? I'm a very honest person, and I want to be able to talk about anything with you and you be comfortable with me."
Holy guacamole, Batman! I don't even know if you have a pet, or any friends, or what is your favorite food, and you want to be able to talk about anything with me!? Too soon, Tiger.
Hoping that it was the wrong answer for him, I sent back the honest truth. I think sex is for after marriage. His reply?
"That's awesome. I feel the same way. Are you a virgin?"
Really!? Text message number 11, and he just asked if I was a virgin! I am, but so what? That's extremely personal. Way too soon. I said that I was, and he replied that he is, also, but I don't really care. What I can't get over is that that was the most important thing for him to ask me. That's not ok. That's a conversation for sometime after the first date, not for the first ten text messages.