Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Getting to know you, getting to know all about you..." well, me, actually

At the age of twenty-two, I have decided two things for certain. 
  1. I am tired of being serially single.
  2. My life is too ridiculous not to share with the world.
So, I'm going to chronicle my sitcom-like antics in hopes that I can make someone out there smile. And, you know, maybe get a book deal or a tv show or something. Hey, it could happen... right?

Anyway, there are a few things you should probably know about me.
  1. I am 22.
  2. I have never been asked out or kissed.
  3. I'm attracted to men.
  4. My goal is always to make someone laugh.
  5. I'm a thick girl with a pretty smile and a great personality.
  6. Yes, I know I just labeled myself a "great personality" type girl.
  7. I don't care.
  8. I can be a little bitchy sometimes.
  9. I'm rarely serious.
  10. I'm rarely just kidding.
Also, I live in north Alabama, I'm a student studying communications, and I have a crazy cast of friends that have taken it upon themselves to help me find love. Or their version of it, anyway.

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